Come Out & Play 2010 in Brooklyn
4 Square on Steroids
Start Time: Sunday June 6 at 2 PM Remember playground 4 Square? Equal parts polite and cut-throat, simple and complex? We've scaled it up, waaaaay up! Come try a spiraled 9 Square, 16 Square with 2 balls, Giant-4-Square with paddles, maybe even 25 Square! This is Foursquare meets Jack and the Beanstalk! Come join us and test the limits of this timeless game. All ages welcome.
Designers: Design Studio for Social Intervention Our work has been greatly inspired by game design, and we have used games as actual interventions, as metaphors to help organizers think about systems, and as a way to shift social activism into using more of a game design approach in terms of using spectacle, delight and the magic circle when they design campaigns, actions and interventions. Square Root was first played in Dudley Square, a busy bus station in Roxbury, MA. The founders and game designers at DS4SI are Kenneth Bailey and Lori Lobenstine. |