Come Out & Play 2010 in Brooklyn
SCVNGR is a game about going places, doing challenges and earning points!
Start Time: Friday June 4 at the Opening Party Play SCVNGR! Grab the app for iPhone or Android from the App Store / Android Market. Hit the Treks Tab to find Come Out And Play. You'll see a list of cool places to visit throughout the festival and fun challenges to do at each spot! Go to those places. Do the challenges in the trek. And earn points! The top scorer at the end of the festival will win an iPad!
Designers: SCVNGR To show COAP what SCVNGR is all about, we've tasked our Lead Game Designer, Kate Reynolds with building some great challenges for COAP. We've connected them into a thing we call a "trek" which simply connects places and challenges to make the special COAP challenges easy to find! Here's a bit on Kate herself: Kate is the challenge shredder! What the heck is a challenge shredder? It's one part professional tourist, one part evil scientist and one part dreamer. (Sprinkle a little child-like spirit and bake at 360 degrees) She loves meeting new people (epecially those who speak Celtic, the basketball team, not the language) She'd be happy to tell you anything about SCVNGR and challenge shredding (well...almost anything.) Stop by and say hi! |