The Come Out and Play Festival is a street games fesitval dedicated to exploring new styles of games and play.

Come Out & Play 2010 in Brooklyn

Urban Games Field Reporting

Start Time: Friday June 4 at the Opening Party
Location: Brooklyn Lyceum
# of players: 100
Duration: Play anytime throughout the festival

You are the newest star reporter for Radio Nonchalance, a pirate radio station broadcasting live from festival headquarters. Let your nose for a good story be your guide; it is your job to cover the events of the festival, live as they happen! Your vital up-to-the-moment correspondence will be broadcast over the local FM airwaves and through the tubes of the internet, straight to the ears of all festival-goers, neighbors, and the whole wide world! Complete to win the coveted "Golden Boom Box" Award for Excellence in Urban Games Field Reporting. Wouldn't THAT be something!?

Your keen intellect and inquisitive nature will be augmented with a field-reporter press toolkit containing a radio for tuning into the station, a press badge, a pad & pen, and a style guide to the "Sport of the Report". With these tools at your disposal, you can call-in regularly throughout the festival, or chime in with a single in-depth piece -- It's up to YOU to tell the story of Come Out and Play AS IT HAPPENS!

Designers: Nonchalance
Nonchalance is a hybrid art consultancy with an expertise in Situational Design. Their mission is to provoke discovery through visceral experience and pervasive play. They're best known for The Jejune Institute, an interactive narrative adventure set in the deep forests of San Francisco.