The Come Out and Play Festival is a street games fesitval dedicated to exploring new styles of games and play.

Come Out & Play 2010 in San Francisco

HALI - Hide And Locate Intruders
They can't see you, but they know where you are.

When: Saturday Oct 23 at 4pm
Location: Buena Vista Park (Enter via Waller and Buena Vista Ave. W)
# of players: 25
Duration: 15-minutes. Multiple games will be played.
Required: iPhone 3G or above (w/ the latest iOS) required to play

HALI is a location based mobile game for your GPS enabled iPhone.

Players are divided into two teams, Hiders and Seekers. Hiders must work as a team to keep each other safe, while Seekers must coordinate to find and tag Hiders. The app provides a map, showing other players' approximate locations. Seekers are given exact locations of Hiders who are far away, but as they near the hiders they must rely on their eyes to chase and tag them. There are twice as many Hiders as Seekers. Once tagged, Hiders press the "caught" button on their phone. All players are updated that they have been caught when their icon changes to indicate their status change. Seekers must catch more than half the Hiders to win.

Designers: Resinauts
(Come Out & Play alumni: '10-NYC)

Matt Parker
Matt Parker is a new media artist and game designer. His work has been displayed at the SIGGRAPH Asia, the NY Hall of Science, and Sony Wonder Technology Lab. He and his team created the game Lucid, which was a finalist in Android's Developer Challenge 2. His game Recurse is a finalist for Indiecade 2010 and currently on display in the NYU Game Center Gallery.

Corey Menscher
Corey Menscher is a technologist, interaction designer, and web application developer. He graduated from the program in May 2009. His studies have encompassed Physical Computing, Wearable Technology, Computational Media, Social Software, and Mobile Apps & Location-based Services.

Xiaoyang Feng
Xiaoyang has a Master degree from ITP (Interactive Telecommunications Program) of NYU in 2009. He is an Artist/Designer/Photographer/Programmer living in New York City. His work has been shown in ITP Gallery, Gizmodo Gallery, Sony Wonder Lab, IAC, Wieden+Kennedy, Portland.

Asli Sevinc
Asli Sevinc is an interaction designer that likes to design games, absurd interfaces, wearables and objects. She especially likes to make pieces that spark interaction between people, therefore loves game design. She has made games for the streets, for Android, for Facebook and now for the iPhone. Her non-game pieces have been shown at Sony Technology Wonder Lab, IAC and Maker Faire. A recent graduate of the wonderful ITP, she's currently busy designing games and working at a New York startup.