Come Out & Play 2009 in New York
Jamson is the backyard game of the future that will leave you wanting to play again and again.
Start Time: Saturday June 13 at 3-5 PM Jamson is a simple, fun mixture of soccer, volleyball, and basketball with a dash of hackey-sack. Players must get the ball up in the air and keep it in the air without the use of their hands or arms. Once each player has touched the ball at least once, the team can go for goal. Keep the ball alive! Go for the Haberdasher! Watch out for the Noonan!
Bio: John R. Morgan, Jim Antonellis, Jim Theodorson, Jimbo Morgan, James Barbarotto John R. Morgan is one of the four co-inventers of Jamson along with Jim Antonellis, Jim Theodorson, and his brother Jimbo Morgan. John has somehow carved out a career for himself as a game show question researcher. At the University of Michigan, John studied English and was a standout lacrosse and rugby player. His hobbies include reading, writing, bodysurfing, slide-tackling and studying languages. He speaks Spanish fairly well but speaks French and Arabic rather poorly. Jim Antonellis. Unbeknownst to most Americans, Jim Antonellis is one of the finest natural athletes of our time. At age 3, Jim could swim, play ice hockey and ride a bicycle. As a Little League player, Jim was a switch hitter. He played wide reciever and placekicker for his high school football team and was recruited by numerous Big Ten and Ivy League schools. His talents are not confined to athletics, however, as he is a skilled musician on the drums, piano and guitar. In 2004, he graduated from Hofstra University with a degree in English. Currently, Jim is an actor and lives in Astoria, Queens. The eponymous Jim Theodorson is the brains behind the game and almost everything else he does. "Jamson" was one of his numerous nicknames while attending Cornell University where he majored in Economics. Growing up on Long Island, Jim played several sports and was a key member of his high school's state championship cross country squad. Currently, Jim is rapidly scaling the corporate ladder at OMD Media. In his spare time, Jim likes to read, write, praise Lebron James, lament over the Jets and hang with his girlfriend. He is formerly the world's best player at the video game "Blades of Steel". Jimbo Morgan is the cosmopolitan, scholarly, globe trekker of the group. Jimbo has lived in Canada, Germany and Finland and is moving to Argentina in the fall. His travels have taken him all over Europe, North America and the Caribbean. A graduate of Hobart College, Jimbo is currently pursuing a Masters degree in architecture from the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis. Growing up, Jimbo played numerous sports but excelled in basketball and lacrosse. His giant calves and fearless play on the Jamson courts earned him the nickname "Thunderfoot". Jimbo has competed on numerous championship intramural football, basketball and kickball teams at Hobart and Wash U. He is also an aspiring musician. James Barbarotto is often the glue that holds many a Jamson game together. James' quick feet and adroit skill with the ball have fueled several rallies while saving others, helping to quell the chaos when the ball seems to get out of control. James is regarded as the best player Jamson has to offer. It comes as no surprise as James played years and years of soccer growing up and was an integral member of his high school team. James is a talented artist and graphic designer and loves to draw. He works in his family's business, Barbarotto Machinery on Long Island. James is an aspiring clothing designer as well, operating a T-shirt company featuring his own designs called "Novice Human". |