Come Out & Play 2009 in New York
A secret world of strange and fast-moving creatures
Start Time: Friday June 12 at 11 PM The cryptids are out there. Are you chasing them? Learn how to run with the most mysterious species on the planet: bounce like springboras, slalom like whip zananas, crouch-run like ninja rabbits, spin like swingdogs, jump like tiptrees, and swing like the summit monkeys. Join a pack of fellow cryptid chasers, and follow a set of strange animal tracks on a 1 mile whirlwind tour of the city streets. Then, meet up with other packs and challenge each other to out-chase the cryptids. Pick your favorite running styles, and design your own fast and furious one-block races. Anyone can run with the cryptids. You don't have to be athletic, or coordinated. But you do need to be adventurous... and willing to sweat. Because you're about to move faster -- and weirder -- than you thought possible. Once you've caught sight of the cryptids, you won't be able to help yourself. There's just something about those mysterious cryptids... they unlock the creature in all of us.
Who created CryptoZoo?
What inspired the CryptoZoo game? The American Heart Association in collaboration with Institute for the Future recognized that we can re-invent physical activity with the help of online games and social media. Games - especially when they get you moving in the real world - can be good for you, and the more we play together, the better. CrytpoZoo is a proof-of-concept game, a way for us to show what physical activity could (and we think, should) be like in the future: more fun, more social, and better integrated with our everyday lives.
Bio: Jane McGonigal, Natalie Cartwright, Kiyash Monsef Natalie Cartwright, Crypto-Zoographer - Natalie is the official photographer and creature artist for the CryptoZoo project. Kiyash Monsef, Crypto-Documentarian - Kiyash is the producer and director of the CryptoZoo documentary. |