Come Out & Play 2008 in New York
Create your team out of the anonymous crowd; every chance encounter could be your last, or an opportunity to live and survive - find comfort in strangers.
Game 1
Game 2
# of players: 30 You walk through the busy square, headphones hidden beneath your hood. A voice whispers in your ear, "there's another Lover nearby...;" you steal a look around trying not to be too obvious and you hear the voice again: "...your life is now at level 6..." You must be a lover and you need find that other person in the crowd, team up. You set off, weaving through the crowd, trying to blend in. "There's a Dancer nearby..." you stop to read a sign and look around "...your life is now at 5..." Damn! Gotta stay away from the Dancers; If they find you before you find another Lover you could be in trouble; if your life drops to zero you are out of the game. But how do you discover the other players hidden in the crowd and, when you do, how to you know who they are? You could ask them "are you a Lover or a Dancer?..." The Comfort of Strangers is a street game that uses ipaq PDAs, mscape software and adhoc wifi networks to create a series of social encounters driven by risk and common interest. Players use anonymity and group formation to live and survive urban experience. They find comfort in strangers. The game is supported by the Pervasive Media Studio, Bristol and uses the mscape location based media authoring software.
The Rules
Bios: Simon Evans
Bios: Simon Johnson |
Game 1
Game 2 |