The Come Out and Play Festival is a street games fesitval dedicated to exploring new styles of games and play.

Come Out & Play 2010 in San Francisco

A game of assassins across the multiverse.

When: Saturday Oct 23 at 2pm
Starting Location: The Panhandle at Ashbury (between Fell and Oak)
# of players: 16-40 (first-come, first serve)
Duration: 45 minutes
URL: &

In a multiverse where up to 10 alternate yous exist, you must chase and defeat your alternates, absorb their power, and make them your minions. To do so, you'll share information with other players in your universe and exchange powers with other players in alternate universes.

Who will destroy all of their alternates and become "THE ONE"?

Designers: Catherine Herdlick and Gabe Smedresman
(Come Out & Play alumni: '08, '09, '10-NYC)

Gabe runs Echo Team, a startup developing awesome new social and location-based games for all universes. Catherine is lead cowgirl at the Cowgirl Way Society, a Game Producer at EA, and co-founder of Come Out & Play. Their alternates really like circus and cats. Find them on

(photos by Lia Bulaong and Javier Oddo)