Boxbox, but for foxes.
Foxbox is a competitive game reminiscent of ye olde fox hunts. Yet in this case, there are two teams consisting of both foxes and hunters. The foxes have boxes and the opposing team’s hunters want to dunk balls into those fox boxes in lieu of actually harming the foxes. Meanwhile the foxes have their own plans; they want to move Victory Boxes into their team’s Goal Squares. It’s good old fashioned rectangular furry fun!
Designers – James Cox + Joe Cox + Ben Sironko + Denver Coulson
James Earl Cox III is making 100 games in 5 years. A graduate student in USC’s Interactive Media and Game Design program, he’s shown games at E3, Different Games, IndieCade, EGX, and Tokyo Game Show, received awards from Serious Play, Meaningful Play, and GLS. His work has been shown in the Smithsonian Pop-Up Arcade as well as in The National Art Center, Tokyo. Check em:, and tweet em: @Just404it
Joe Cox, an Honors Tutorial College student at Ohio University, is a very cool guy to hang out with. He won first and second place at the 2016 Ohio University Student Expo in Media Arts and Studies. Please play our fun game. Please send me a tweet; at @JoeCawks, say “hello, joe!!” No unsolicited PMs. Thanks.
Ben Sironko is a game designer + programmer with an interest in experimental arcade games, big games, and games of chance. His work can be found at
@DenverCoulson is a game designer/developer & freelancer. Currently Denver is exploring experimental mechanics/visuals primarily in the context of competitive games. His work can be found at