Don’t Fear The Huevos (Non Temes Os Ovos)

Don’t Fear The Huevos is a new game based on old Mexican and Celtiberian/Galician traditions–a pro-family, pro-community experience!

Based upon Mexican and Celtiberian (Galicia, Northern Spain) traditions, Huevos combines the fun of a festival egg hunt, and the playful smashing of traditionally-Mexican confetti eggs (“cascarones”) on one-another’s heads, with the not-widely-known Celtiberian tradition of play being centered around a symbolic “center of the world” stone, as well as the color-coded confetti which creates a more formal ruleset of effects (i.e. blue = freeze, red = out, etc.), thus producing a ludic twist on a traditional folk festival activity. Huevos/Ovos’ intention is to share a little of the game designer’s Mexican and Galician/Celtiberian traditions not normally seen in the modern game festival setting. Viva Huevos!

Designers – John Greg Gomez

John Greg Gomez is a veteran media professional, documentary filmmaker, game designer, and non-profit founder. A native of Los Angeles, John Greg was born to a family of artists, a number of whom were instrumental in the Southern California mural arts movement of the Sixties and Seventies. He began study at Harvard College in the Visual and Environmental Studies concentration, but sidetracked into studying Psychology with noted thought leaders from social psychology, mindfulness, and art therapy. With the support of the Norman Lear Foundation, John Greg launched the non-profit Movida, which among other activities began an annual filmmaker retreat to the Sundance Film Festival that has continued in various iterations to this day. Movida was also instrumental in the founding of The National Association of Latino Independent Producers, where John Greg served as the youngest member of its founding board. In recent years, John Greg has begun an informal game and experience design practice, which has resulted in innovative and diverse playful experiences that have been showcased at IndieCade: The International Festival of Games; Come Out and Play San Francisco; and the inaugural education-meets-play-meets-tech STEAM Carnival, which was launched by Brent Bushnell and his Two Bit Circus Foundation. John Greg is currently completing the documentary series “The Age of Play,” portions of which have been previewed at IndieCade, ARGfest, and the SoCal Tech Magnet High whose patron is non other than Commander Adama himself, Edward James Olmos.