IndieCade East 2015 – Night Games
February 14, 2015
7-10 PM
Museum of the Moving Image
36-01 35th Avenue
Queen, NY 11106
Night Games transforms IndieCade East and the Museum of the Moving Image into a giant beeping, sweating playful party. With social, physical, performative and persistent games filling the halls, Night Games is an event to be played, watched and enjoyed all at the same time.
Night Games will include everything from giant projected video games to light physical games to improvisational theater games. Night Games combines party and arcade into one evening of play.
Come Out & Play curated the games and worked with the designers to produce a fun and engaging event.
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The Games
Climber Beta
Coffee: A Misunderstanding
Corporate Vandals
Henka Twist Caper
Hot Mess
Light Fight
Ninja Fall
Stranger Danger
The Lost Treasure of M.O.W.
Under the Hood
Karaoke Combat